Our Partners

Our Partners

Our Supporters

In addition to sponsors, our work benefits from contributors. The more people are willing to create an awareness of clean seas, the greater our impact. Here you will find a variety of companies and organizations that accompany our path and are committed to a better future.

Big Healthy Seas
Ocean Now
Bundesverband Meeresmüll
Ocean Summit
Ocean Family
Klare Kante Sylt
Exit Plastik
Kueste gegen Plastik
Mehrweg Verband
HOPE Humans On Planet Earth

Our Sponsors

We are grateful for the support of our sponsors. They help us to make our work possible and to create a future without plastic. Here you will find a variety of companies and organizations that accompany our path and are committed to a better future.

Sylter Bank
Hanse Merkur
Fräulein Sylt
Energieversorgung Sylt
Zell Harmonie
Dein Brand Stempel
Gemeinde Kampen
WfG NF Förderfonds
Bye Bye Plastik - partners

Become a partner

You want to become a partner and support our work? We are looking forward to your message!
