Zwei 4. Klassen aus Hamburg sammeln 34,1 kg Müll

Two 4th grade classes from Hamburg collect 34.1 kg M ll

Yesterday, in a strong westerly wind, 46 pupils and 5 teachers went to Weststrand H he Puan Klent to clean the beach. 4A and 4B classes from Sinstorfer Weg elementary school in Hamburg were highly motivated and would have liked to collect even more. Yes, there was a lot to collect - balloons, plastic cups, plastic bottles, construction foam, polystyrene, packaging waste, fishing waste and much more. We collected 34.1 kg of waste, although we had only collected 28.4 kg on the same stretch of beach on May 26 this year. there is still a lot to do, let's all do it together Thank you to all the children, it was great fun with you

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"Sylt räumt auf" - Herbstaktion - wieder ein toller Erfolg!
Sylt r umt on fall campaign again a great success

The fall vacations are coming to an end and many participants in the Bye Bye Plastik fall campaign are heading home again. But the success remains and everyone can be very proud of this great result, says Heike Werner, Managing Director of Bye Bye Plastik. Many enthusiastic sea lovers and environmentalists followed the call on social media, posters or screens on Sylt buses. They took a bag with them on their walk along the beach or out for a walk, collected waste and then pinned their finds on the cleanup map at or directly in the Bye Bye Plastik app. True to the motto everyday is cleanup day . The month-long autumn campaign Sylt r umt auf ended on 31 October and the results of the cleanup are inspiring: 91.5 km of nature were cleaned up, 106 people took part and a total of 681 liters of waste were collected. This also includes two large cleanups during the family weeks with a total of 40 participants, including many children on a M ll treasure hunt. In the coming days, the 20 lucky winners of the prizes offered in the fall campaign will be drawn at random and notified by email. As in previous campaign periods, Sylt businesses have once again donated great prizes. In view of the fact that new furniture is always being donated, some people may ask themselves whether stocking up is really that important. The commitment of each individual counts Everything we collect can no longer be washed into the sea or returned. In addition to reducing plastic in our everyday lives, this is the perfect opportunity for all of us to reduce our impact on the ocean. A Norwegian study shows how useful regular clean-up campaigns really are. Where plastic is regularly collected, the pollution of land and sea by microplastics is drastically reduced, explains project manager Susanne Dombret. What was striking about this fall campaign The categories of the most common finds are changing, Susanne Dombret continues. A few years ago, for example, there were still a lot of straws and cotton buds among them, but a few years after they were banned by the EU Plastics Regulation in 2019, we can hardly find them anymore. We hope that the new rule for attaching caps to PET bottles will have the same positive effect. The autumn campaign was the third of its kind since Bye Bye Plastik launched the Sylt r umt auf project at the beginning of 2024. And what happens next Overall, we had calm seas on many days in October. The sea didn't throw as much waste onto the beach as usual. That will change again with the coming fall storms, says Listland Ranger Stella Kinne. And that definitely means Bye Bye Plastic The next campaigns are already being planned. Sylt continues to clean up HERE the winners of the fall campaign will be announced shortly
